Friends of Hassayampa
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Tote bags
With these sturdy canvas bags you'll be able to show your support for
Friends of Hassaymapa wherever you go.
Shipping fee must be added to your cart as
a separate item. Shipping only available
within the U.S.
12" x 14" $15
18' x 14" $20
HRP History $5
This well-researched 16 page booklet tells the history of the Hassayampa River Presrve from the Archaic period 12,000 years ago to the present. Historic photos bring the story to life.
FOH Patch $5
Add this 3" colorful patch to your favorite cap, vest, or jacket.
Ball Cap $15.
Hassayampa River Presserve ball caps are made of heavy duty cotton and are a perfect takeaway from your visit to the Preserve.