Friends of Hassayampa

Membership Level

Become a member.

Vermilion Flycatcher members will receive a free blue tote bag, Great Blue Heron and higher will receive a free beige tote bag. 

Become an FOH board member.  Only 6 board meetings per year. Contact us for details.


  • Host at the visitor center greeting visitors
  • Lead interpretive tours for students and adults
  • Assist with trail and interpretive garden maintenance

Contact the preserve at 928-684-2772 for more information.

Donate $50 and receive a free blue tote bag; donate $100 or more and receive a free beige tote bag. 

Your support will ensure that we can continue to fund projects and

programs for students and adults at this spectacular desert oasis.

Or, pay by check.

Friends of Hassayampa

P.O. Box 20087

Wickenburg, AZ 85358

New members will receive this colorful Vermilion Flycatcher sew-on patch.